Week 2: April 13-17
Here are some ideas for this week! Stay active and have fun!
*Mindful minutes are a chance for you to calm your body.
You can do them after your exercise or when you have a free moment during your day!
Monday, April 13
Physical Activity: Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the start of
Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope. Go for a run inside or outside! * Afterwards, map his route with this sheet: Terry_Lesson-Plan_V3-6.pdf
Mindful Minute: Line Breathing
Imagine a line in your head. Breathe in from left to right on the line.
Breathe out from right to left on your line. Repeat 5 times.
Tuesday, April 14
Physical Activity: Grocery Bag Fan Race
Using a book as a fan, wave it to make the grocery bag go back
and forth as many times between 2 markers as you can in 1 minute.
Then try to beat your record!
Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch
Mindful Minute: DANCE PARTY! Put on your favourite song
and dance it out! If you want to follow a dance video,
check this one out!
Wednesday, April 15
Physical Activity: Choose 2-3 Videos from the
“I love a Challenge” youtube channel.
Ms. V did #31 and it is so fun!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0WbPDm3Q
Mindful Minute: Take a break outside! Take some deep breaths
outside, play outside, eat a snack outside or go for a family walk.
Thursday, April 16
Physical Activity: Draw the Alphabet with your Feet
Lay on your back with your legs just above the ground.
Start drawing the alphabet with your feet in lowercase
and then uppercase. Once you have finished the alphabet,
try making different words or numbers!
Mindful Minute: Bunny Breathing
Start with 4 quick breaths in, then 1 slow breath out. Repeat 5 times.
Friday, April 17
Physical Activity: Go for a walk outside!
Ask your parents to get the app: ALL TRAILS
*It shows you pathways, trails and hikes around your house
Mindful Minute: Check your heart rate! Use the video below
to learn how your heart works. Then check your pulse (heart rate)
at rest, while walking and then while running.