Monday, June 15, 2020

Week 11

Week 11: June 15-19
Here are some ideas for this week!   Stay active and have fun!
*Mindful minutes are a chance for you to calm your body and work on focus*

Leadership Club:
1.Check your gmail for a special surprise!
2. Continue to be a leader in your new school and community
3. Have an AMAZING summer break!
Monday, June 15
Physical Activity: This or That- Summer Olympics
-Pick a sport for each slide and do the activity

Mindful Minute: Listen to a Dr. Suess RAP!
   “Green Eggs and Ham”
Tuesday, June 16
Physical Activity: Scavenger Hunt
-Look around your house or go for a walk in your
neighbourhood and look for the things on the list!

Mindful Minute: Watch Soccer!
-Bayern Munich (Germany’s #1 team) plays at 12:30pm
Wednesday, June 17
Physical Activity: Harry Potter Wizard Workout

Mindful Minute: The English Premier League is back!!
-At 1:00pm watch Manchester City (Ms. V’s favourite team)
  take on Arsenal
Thursday, June 18
Physical Activity: Shoe Flip
-Just like at Sports Day, put your shoe on halfway and flip it!
-See if you can get 100 points!

Mindful Minute: Watching the Clouds
-Lay down outside and watch the clouds move
-Do they look like anything? How are they moving?
Friday, June 19
Physical Activity: Virtual Jump Rope for Heart!
-Join kids from across Canada in a livestream session 
of skipping! It starts at 11:00am!
-If you can’t join at that time, try skipping on your own for 
10 minutes
-Here is a link for skipping warm-ups and activities
-Lastly, remember EASY:
Mindful Minute: Test your knowledge and do a sports quiz!