Monday, May 25, 2020

Week 8

Week 8: May 25-29
Here are some ideas for this week!   Stay active and have fun!
*Mindful minutes are a chance for you to calm your body and work on focus*

Leadership Club:
Leadership jobs for this week:
1. Challenge: do something that makes your heart happy and
doesn't use technology!!!!
2. Email Ms. V with sports day ideas (
3. Continue to do positive things for your family and community

Monday, May 25
Physical Activity: Would You Rather- Fitness Edition! 
-Ms.V made some videos, choose your side!

Mindful Minute: Glitter Jar
Tuesday, May 26
Physical Activity: Go Noodle Videos

Mindful Minute: Powerful Poses
-Pose in one of the positions below for 30 seconds
-”You are POWERFUL!”
  1. Superman                         2. Wonder Woman 
Wednesday, May 27
Physical Activity: 4 Leaf Clover- Run Club Activity
-Set up 4 cones (or anything you have) in a box that is big enough for
you to run around in
-As you move from 1 cone to the next, do different movements
-Examples are: run, skip, high knees, gallop, walk, hop, jump, squats,
lunges, slow-mo, shuffle…..

Mindful Minute: Sensory Safari Walk
-Go for a walk and use all 5 of your senses to find things that crawl,
run, swim, fly or slither (things like: worms, bugs, birls, squirrels, ants….) 
Thursday, May 28
Physical Activity: Exercise Circuit
*Do each exercise for 30 sec. and then repeat 3 times
Station 1: Jumping Jacks        Station 2: Wall Sit   Station 3: Squat Jump
Station 4: Lunges     Station 5: Burpee        Station 6: Calf Raise
Station 7: High Knees    Station 8: Run on the Spot
Station 9: Bench Dips    Station 10: Push-ups

Mindful Minute: Read: ‘5 Reasons why your brain is mind-blowing!’
Friday, May 29
Physical Activity: Neighbourhood Safari BINGO
-Go for a walk with your family around your community
-See if you can find 5 things in-a-row! (just like BINGO)
-Once you find 5 things in-a-row, see if you can find everything!
-Ms. V made a card for you to follow!

Mindful Minute: Mindful Breathing with Mojo