Week 7: May 18-22
Here are some ideas for this week! Stay active and have fun!
*Mindful minutes are a chance for you to calm your body and work on focus*
Leadership Club: Remember to do 1 positive thing this week and come up with ideas for virtual sports day! Our Google Meet is
Thursday at 2:00pm CODE= GRADE4LEADCLUB
Monday, May 18
Physical Activity: Run up a hill!!
-Watch Ms. V and her dog Rex run up a huge hill! (video is below)
-if there is a hill near your home, go for a run!
Mindful Minute: “Peace Out” Relaxation
Tuesday, May 19
Physical Activity: Soccer Part 3
-Watch the videos below and try them out!
Mindful Minute: STOP
S= Stop and breathe
T= Tune your body (let positive feelings in)
O= Observe (look around for something beautiful)
P= Possibility (ask yourself what is possible and what is next)
Wednesday, May 20
Physical Activity: Dances from Movies
The Sid Shuffle (Ice Age)
I Like to Move it! (Madagascar)
Can’t Stop the Feeling (Trolls)
Mindful Minute: Mindful Breathing
-Breathe slowly and think:
Can you feel the air moving in through your nose?
Can you feel it moving out through your nose?
Can you hear your breath? What does it sound like?
Thursday, May 21
Physical Activity: Spelling Bee
-Pick words to spell and do the exercises that match the letters
-Some words you could do are: Saddleridge, school, sports,
persevere, determination, active, exercise…
A-5 pushups B-5 jumping jacks C-5 star jumps
D-10 crunches D-30 sec. wall sit E-5 squats
F-30 sec. plank G-5 situps H- 5 frog jumps
I-10 high knees J-2 burpees K-10 jump squats
L- 10 criss cross jumps M-30 sec. run on the spot
N-10 bunny hops O-30 sec. crab walk
P- 10 toe touches Q-5 burpees R-10 pushups
S-10 high kicks T-4 side burpees U-5 crunches
V-20 mountain climbers W-10 squats
X-3 burpees Y-5 pushups Z-5 situps
Mindful Minute: Colour Breathing
-Think of a colour that relaxes you and one that stresses you
-Imagine being surrounded by the relaxing colour, breathe it
in and fill your lungs with it
-Imagine now that you are breathing out the stress colour
- Watch as the relaxing colour takes over the stress colour
-Breathe in the relaxing colour
-Breathe out the stressful colour
Friday, May 22
Physical Activity: Super Yoga
Mindful Minute: Mindful Footsteps
-Walk forwards 5 steps and then back 5 steps
(repeat 10 times)
What does the ground feel like under your feet?
Which part of your foot touches the ground first when
you take a step?
Does your back stay straight?
What are your arms doing?
How does your body naturally move?