Monday, April 27, 2020

Week 4 Activities!

Week 4: April 27- May 1
Here are some ideas for this week!   Stay active and have fun!
*Mindful minutes are a chance for you to calm your body after your exercise 

Monday, April 27
Physical Activity: Cosmic Kids Dance Party!

Mindful Minute: How to Send Kind Thoughts
Tuesday, April 28
Physical Activity: Active Charades
- Play a fun game of charades with your family
- Take turns acting out different animals, sports 
or activities while the other family members guess!
- Ms. V came up with some ideas for you; 
visit her google doc:

Wednesday, April 29
Physical Activity: Dance Pl3y
- Learn some fun new dances with these videos!

Mindful Minute: Virtual 360’ Disney Ride: Splash Mountain
-You can move the video around using the 
arrows in the top left corner
Thursday, April 30
Physical Activity: Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure: Star Wars
- Ms. V just watched all the Star Wars movies 
and loved them!

Mindful Minute: Breathing Star 
- Draw a star in the air
- Breathe in and out at each point of the star 
Friday, May 1
Physical Activity: Sock Basketball
- Roll up a pair of your socks into a ball and set up a net
(you could use a bucket, laundry basket or a bowl)
- Try shooting your socks like a ‘basketball’ from 
different points in the room (close, far away, sides, in front….)
- See how many you can score in 5 or 10 minutes!

Mindful Minute: Canada Soccer Colouring Pages
- Print and colour if you have a printer
- If you don’t, try drawing the picture 
and then colouring!